Column Types

Column types allow you to specify common properties for multiple columns easily. Things like minWidth, maxWidth, defaultFlex and header are all available. For a full list, see columnTypes reference.

You specify the type of a column via the column.type property:

type Person = {
  name: string;
  dob: string;
  age: number;
const columns = {
  age: {
    field: 'age',
    type: 'custom',
  date: {
    field: 'dob',
    // will be type default
  name: {
    field: 'name',
    // will have both of those types
    type: ['default', 'custom']

const columnTypes = {
  default: {
    width: 200
  custom: {
    align: 'center'

<InfiniteTable columnTypes={columnTypes} columns={columns}


Properties defined in a column have precedence over the properties defined in the type.

Also, if a column has no type specified, it will default to the default type. If you don't want a column to have the default type, use column.type=null or column.type=[]

The column type property can be an array - in this case, types are applied in the order they are specified, later types overriding properties of earlier ones. If the default type is not specified in the array, it will not be applied to the column - if you want to apply it as well, use type=['default', 'any', 'other', 'types', 'after']

Column Type properties order and precedence

When a column has multiple column types, they are applied in order, from left to right, with later types overriding properties of earlier ones - think of the behavior as very similar to Object.assign.

Assume a column has the following types:

const columns = {
  salary: {
    type: ['number', 'currency'],

const numberFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat();
const columnTypes = {
  number: {
    renderValue: ({ value }) => numberFormatter.format(value), // makes 12345 render as 12,345
  currency: {
    renderValue: ({ value }) => `USD: ${value}`, // makes 12345 render as USD: 12345


Although the salary column has both the number and currency types, and both those types have the renderValue property defined, only the currency renderValue function will be called. In other words, the rendering is not piped from one column type to the next. This is applied for all properties, like render, style, etc.

The renderValue function (and other similar functions) has access to the column object, so you can manually access all the column types.