Live Pagination
supports live pagination in its DataSource
via the livePagination
prop together with livePaginationCursor
Specify DataSource.livePagination=true
and provide a pagination cursor (a good cursor would be the id of the last item in the DataSource
In addition, you have to listen to onDataParamsChange
which will be triggered with an object that contains the following properties:
- information about the current sort stategroupBy
- current grouping infolivePaginationCursor
- the current pagination cursor
When dataParams
change (you will be notified via onDataParamsChange
), you have to fetch new data using the cursor from dataParams
onDataParamsChange trigger
Basically onDataParamsChange
is triggered whenever props (and state) that affect the DataSource
change - be it via sorting, filtering, live pagination, pivoting, etc.
Below you can see a live pagination demo implemented in combination with react-query.
import '@infinite-table/infinite-react/index.css'; import { InfiniteTable, InfiniteTableColumn, DataSource, DataSourceSingleSortInfo, DataSourceDataParams, DataSourceLivePaginationCursorFn, } from '@infinite-table/infinite-react'; import * as React from 'react'; import { useCallback } from 'react'; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider, useInfiniteQuery, } from 'react-query'; const queryClient = new QueryClient({ defaultOptions: { queries: { refetchOnWindowFocus: false, }, }, }); const emptyArray: Employee[] = []; export const columns: Record<string, InfiniteTableColumn<Employee>> = { id: { field: 'id' }, country: { field: 'country', }, city: { field: 'city' }, team: { field: 'team' }, department: { field: 'department' }, firstName: { field: 'firstName' }, lastName: { field: 'lastName' }, salary: { field: 'salary' }, age: { field: 'age' }, }; type Employee = { id: number; companyName: string; companySize: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; country: string; countryCode: string; city: string; streetName: string; streetNo: number; department: string; team: string; salary: number; age: number; email: string; }; const PAGE_SIZE = 10; const dataSource = ({ sortInfo, livePaginationCursor = 0, }: { sortInfo: DataSourceSingleSortInfo<Employee> | null; livePaginationCursor: number; }) => { return fetch( '' + `/employees10k?_limit=${PAGE_SIZE}&_sort=${sortInfo?.field}&_order=${ sortInfo?.dir === 1 ? 'asc' : 'desc' }&_start=${livePaginationCursor}`, ) .then(async (r) => { const data = await r.json(); // we need the remote count, so we take it from headers const total = Number(r.headers.get('X-Total-Count')!); return { data, total }; }) .then(({ data, total }: { data: Employee[]; total: number }) => { const page = livePaginationCursor / PAGE_SIZE + 1; const prevPageCursor = Math.max(PAGE_SIZE * (page - 1), 0); return { data, hasMore: total > PAGE_SIZE * page, page, prevPageCursor, nextPageCursor: prevPageCursor + data.length, }; }) .then( ( response, ): Promise<{ data: Employee[]; hasMore: boolean; page: number; nextPageCursor: number; prevPageCursor: number; }> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(response); }, 150); }); }, ); }; const Example = () => { const [dataParams, setDataParams] = React.useState< Partial<DataSourceDataParams<Employee>> >({ groupBy: [], sortInfo: undefined, livePaginationCursor: null, }); const { data, fetchNextPage: fetchNext, isFetchingNextPage, } = useInfiniteQuery( ['employees', dataParams.sortInfo, dataParams.groupBy], ({ pageParam = 0 }) => { const params = { livePaginationCursor: pageParam, sortInfo: dataParams.sortInfo as DataSourceSingleSortInfo<Employee> | null, }; return dataSource(params); }, { keepPreviousData: true, getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage) => firstPage.prevPageCursor || 0, getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => { const nextPageCursor = lastPage.hasMore ? lastPage.nextPageCursor : undefined; return nextPageCursor; }, select: (data) => { const flatData = data.pages.flatMap((x) =>; const nextPageCursor = data.pages[data.pages.length - 1].nextPageCursor; const result = { pages: flatData, pageParams: [nextPageCursor], }; return result; }, }, ); const onDataParamsChange = useCallback( (dataParams: DataSourceDataParams<Employee>) => { const params = { groupBy: dataParams.groupBy, sortInfo: dataParams.sortInfo, livePaginationCursor: dataParams.livePaginationCursor, }; setDataParams(params); }, [], ); const [scrollTopId, setScrollTop] = React.useState(0); React.useEffect(() => { // when sorting changes, scroll to the top setScrollTop(; }, [dataParams.sortInfo]); const fetchNextPage = () => { if (isFetchingNextPage) { return; } fetchNext(); }; React.useEffect(() => { fetchNextPage(); }, [dataParams.livePaginationCursor]); const livePaginationCursorFn: DataSourceLivePaginationCursorFn<Employee> = useCallback(({ length }) => { return length; }, []); return ( <React.StrictMode> <DataSource<Employee> primaryKey="id" // take the data from `data.pages`, // as returned from our react-query select function data={data?.pages || emptyArray} loading={isFetchingNextPage} onDataParamsChange={onDataParamsChange} livePagination livePaginationCursor={livePaginationCursorFn} > <InfiniteTable<Employee> scrollTopKey={scrollTopId} columnDefaultWidth={200} columns={columns} /> </DataSource> </React.StrictMode> ); }; function App() { return ( <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> <Example /> </QueryClientProvider>
In the example above, play around and scroll the table and also make sure to try sorting (eg: sort by country or city).
For demo purposes, the page size in the example above is small - it shows that InfiniteTable
handles infinite pagination correctly by immediately triggering onDataParamsChange
when there are not enough rows to fill the viewport.
On the other hand, when there are many rows and there is a horizontal scrollbar, it triggers onDataParamsChange
only when the user scrolls to the end of the table.
It also handles the case when there is a vertical scrollbar and then the user resizes the viewport to make it bigger and no more vertical scrollbar is needed - again onDataParamsChange
is triggered to request more rows.