Using Rows at Runtime

At runtime, the columns.render function and a lot of other functions use the rowInfo object to access the current row and use it to decide how to render the current cell or row.

The rowInfo object has a few variations, depending on the presence or absence of grouping. See type definition here.


All those variations are discriminated in the TypeScript typings, so you can easily use the different types of rowInfo objects.

Ungrouped Scenario - normal rowInfo

When there is no grouping, the rowInfo object has the following properties:

  • data - type: DATA_TYPE
  • dataSourceHasGrouping - type: false
  • isGroupRow - type: false
  • id - type: any. The id of the row, as defined by the idProperty prop.
  • selfLoaded - type: boolean. Useful in lazy-loading scenarios, when there is batching present. If you're not in such a scenario, the value will be false. You can use this to show a loading indicator for the row.
  • indexInAll - type number. The index of the row in the full dataset. Called like this because for grouping scenarios, there's also an indexInGroup


rowInfo.dataSourceHasGrouping === false;

Grouped scenario - normal rowInfo

When there is grouping defined, and the row is not a group row, the rowInfo object has the following properties:

  • data - type: DATA_TYPE
  • dataSourceHasGrouping - type: true
  • isGroupRow - type: false
  • indexInAll - like the above
  • indexInGroup - type: number. The index of the row in its parent group.
  • groupKeys - type: any[], but usually it's actually string[]. For normal rows, the group keys will have all the keys starting from the topmost parent down to the last group row in the hierarchy (the direct parent of the current row).
Example: People grouped by country and city

> Italy  - country         - groupKeys: ['Italy']
  > Rome - city           - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Marco    - person   - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Luca     - person   - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Giuseppe  - person  - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
  • groupBy - type (keyof T)[]. Has the same structure as groupKeys, but it will contain the fields used to group the rows.
  • rootGroupBy - type (keyof T)[]. The groupBy value of the DataSource component, mapped to the groupBy.field
  • parents - a list of rowInfo objects that are the parents of the current row.
  • indexInParentGroups[] - type: number[]. See below for an example
> Italy  - country         - indexInParentGroups: [0]
  > Rome - city           - indexInParentGroups: [0,0]
    - Marco    - person   - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,0]
    - Luca     - person   - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,1]
    - Giuseppe  - person  - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,2]
> USA - country            - indexInParentGroups: [1]
  > LA - city             - indexInParentGroups: [1,0]
    - Bob  - person       - indexInParentGroups: [1,0,2]
  • groupCount - type: number. The count of leaf rows that the current group (in this case, the parent group) contains
  • groupNesting - type number. The nesting of the parent group.
  • collapsed - type boolean.
  • selfLoaded - type: boolean. Useful in lazy-loading scenarios, when there is batching present. If you're not in such a scenario, the value will be false.


rowInfo.dataSourceHasGrouping === true && rowInfo.isGroupRow === false;

Grouped scenario - group rowInfo

When there is grouping defined, and the row is a group row, the rowInfo object has the following properties:

  • data - type: Partial<DATA_TYPE> | null. The data object that might be available is the result of the aggregation reducers. If none are specified, data will be null
  • dataSourceHasGrouping - type: true
  • isGroupRow - type: true
  • error - type: string?. If there was an error while loading the group (when the group row is expanded), this will contain the error message. If the group row was loaded with the cache: true flag sent in the server response, the error will remain on the rowInfo object even when you collapse the group row, otherwise, if cache: true was not present, the error property will be removed on collapse.
  • indexInAll - like the above
  • indexInGroup - type: number. The index of the row in the its parent group.
  • deepRowInfoArray - an array of rowInfo objects. This array contains all the (uncollapsed, so visible) row infos under this group, at any level of nesting, in the order in which they are visible in the table.
  • reducerResults - type Record<string, AggregationReducerResult>. The result of the aggregation reducers for each field in the aggregationReducers prop.
  • groupCount - type: number. The count of leaf rows that the current group (in this case, the parent group) contains
  • groupData - type: DATA_TYPE[]. The array of the data of all leaf nodes (normal nodes) that are inside this group.
Example: People grouped by country and city

> Italy  - country         - groupKeys: ['Italy']
  > Rome - city           - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Marco    - person   - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Luca     - person   - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
     - Giuseppe  - person  - groupKeys: ['Italy', 'Rome']
  • collapsedChildrenCount - type: number. The count of all leaf nodes (normal rows) inside the group that are not being visible due to collapsing (either the current row is collapsed or any of its children)
  • directChildrenCount - type: number. The count of the direct children of the current group. Direct children can be either normal rows or groups.
  • directChildrenLoadedCount - type: number. Like directChildrenCount, but only counts the rows that are loaded (when batched lazy loading is configured).
  • childrenAvailable - type: boolean. For lazy/batched grouping, this is true if the group has been expanded at least once. NOTE: if this is true, it doesn't mean that all the children have been loaded, it only means that at least some children have been loaded and are available. Use directChildrenCount and directChildrenLoadedCount to know if all the children have been loaded or not.
  • childrenLoading - type: boolean. Boolean flag that will be true while lazy loading direct children of the current row group. Use directChildrenLoadedCount and directChildrenCount to know if all the children have been loaded or not.
  • childrenSelectedCount the number of all leaf rows in the current group that are selected.
  • groupKeys - type: any[], but usually it's actually string[]. For group rows, the group keys will have all the keys starting from the topmost parent down to the current group row (key for current group row is included).
  • groupBy - type (keyof T)[]. Has the same structure as groupKeys, but it will contain the fields used to group the rows.
  • rootGroupBy - type (keyof T)[]. The groupBy value of the DataSource component, mapped to the groupBy.field
  • groupCount - type: number. The count of leaf rows that the current group (in this case, the parent group) contains
  • groupNesting - type number. The nesting of the parent group.
  • parents - a list of rowInfo objects that are the parents of the current row.
  • indexInParentGroups[] - type: number[]. See below for an example
> Italy  - country         - indexInParentGroups: [0]
  > Rome - city           - indexInParentGroups: [0,0]
    - Marco    - person   - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,0]
    - Luca     - person   - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,1]
    - Giuseppe  - person  - indexInParentGroups: [0,0,2]
> USA - country            - indexInParentGroups: [1]
  > LA - city             - indexInParentGroups: [1,0]
    - Bob  - person       - indexInParentGroups: [1,0,2]
  • collapsed - type boolean.
  • selfLoaded - type: boolean. Useful in lazy-loading scenarios, when there is batching present. If you're not in such a scenario, the value will be false.


rowInfo.dataSourceHasGrouping === true && rowInfo.isGroupRow === true;